March 10, 2021
As of now Yuno Advisors will send out periodic M&A market reports (in Dutch) on several sub-segments of our focus sector Food.
In these reports the following sub-segments will be covered:
- Bread
- Frozen, Meals and Snacks
- Beverages
- Food Retail
- Food-ingredients
- Catering en Food Service
- Cereals en Pasta
- Pet Food
- Sauces, Spices and Canned Food
- Meat, Fish and Fresh Produce
- Confectionary & Pastries
- Dairy
The periodic reports contain stock price developments and trading multiples from selected companies within each segment, compared against several benchmarks. Next to that M&A activity of the food sector as a whole is displayed, which subsequently is further detailed into an overview of the sub-sectors that will be dealt with.
Team Yuno Advisors
Click here to download the first bread market report.